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2016 Community Grants Breakfast

cfn-1One week ago today, on Friday, December 2, we celebrated our favorite day of the year – The Annual Community Grant Recipient Breakfast at The Nantucket Hotel.  This year the event was sponsored by BNY Mellon Wealth Management .

The Community Foundation has regularly convened thought leaders from the Island to help us assess current and future needs on Nantucket in anticipation of our annual Nantucket Fund™ Grants cycle. Last week, in our 10th grants cycle, we were proud to honor 31 Nantucket nonprofits whose missions and services most closely align with what our community tells us are the most compelling issues facing Nantucket today. Grant awards this year total $155,800, thanks to contributions from many sources. The ‘Sconset Chapel Outreach Fund once again is a major donor, along with many individual donors who have made significant multi-year commitments to the Nantucket Fund™. We are thankful for their help which allows us to support so many worthy causes.  Here is where our grant awards were directed this year.


We heard from a representative from each nonprofit who received a grant. They told us touching stories, quotes from community members who benefit from these organizations, and also how the grant money would be used this year.

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The 2016 Nantucket Fund™ Recipients are as follows:

Nantucket Rental Assistance
Habitat for Humantity
Housing Nantucket

Mental Health/Substance Use Disorder:

A Safe Place
A.S.A.P. (Alliance for Substance Abuse Prevention)
NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness)
Artist’s Association for Nantucket

Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs
Nantucket Community Sailing
Linda Loring Nature Center

Nantucket S.T.A.R. (Sports & Therapeutic Accessible Recreation)
Egan Maritime Institute
Nantucket Book Foundation
Maria Mitchell Association
Lighthouse School
Friends of the Nantucket Public Schools

Nantucket Community School – Wee Whalers
Small Friends on Nantucket

Nantucket Community School- ELL Symposium
Nantucket Music Center
Inky Santa

Health Imperatives
Swim Across America
Nantucket Cottage Hospital
Safe Harbor for Animals

Nantucket Food Pantry
Sustainable Nantucket

Boys & Girls Club
Nantucket Film Foundation
Nantucket Soccer Club


Thank you to Mark and Gwenn Snider of the Nantucket Hotel and BNY Wealth Management for their support of the event this year.  Thank you to Laurie Richards for the lovely photos and also a special thanks to all of those who joined us for such a special morning.


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