Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Support the Community Foundation for Nantucket

Dear Friends,
The past two years have been the most significant in the Community Foundation’s history. Our resources were stretched as our team worked diligently to support Nantucket’s year-round community.
While grant making is our priority, we have continued to convene members of our community around critical issues to ensure we effectively prioritize our community support. Just last month we hosted our annual Advisory Committee meeting with over 30 Island leaders. In addition, this year the Foundation funded a Behavioral Health Needs Assessment, partnering with Nantucket Cottage Hospital, Fairwinds and NAMI. This will help point the way to more consolidated and centralized behavioral health care. This process is evidence of our ability to assist major stakeholders through a coordinated effort.

Today, we manage over 100 community funds and have over $20 Million in assets under management. Each one of these funds supports our Island and helps us achieve our mission. As Trustees, we are proud of how efficiently and effectively our staff manages the Foundation’s Operations.

2021 has been the most active year in our history and our operational capacity was pushed to the limit. We need your help more than ever to sustain our growth and continue to best meet the needs of Nantucket.

A very generous donor has offered to match up to $200,000 in unrestricted operational donations. This unique opportunity will allow the Community Foundation for Nantucket to further our work and continue to make a difference on the Island we all know and love.

Please consider a generous year end gift to support the Foundation’s operations.

With Thanks and Best Wishes,

Chris Vineis and Bob Felch
Development Committee Co-Chairs


A generous donor will match donations to Foundation operations up to $200,000.                                              Give today and double your impact!

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