Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Chasing Light Concert


Artists Association of Nantucket and the Nantucket Atheneum co-host Chasing Light: An Evening of Art and Music

Concert at the Atheneum Great Hall on Saturday, November 15 featuring the art and music of Robert Head, Louis Guarnaccia and Grace Mulcahy.

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For the second consecutive year, the Artists Association of Nantucket (AAN) and the Nantucket Atheneum are collaborating to present the concert Chasing Light: An Evening of Art and Music on Saturday, November 15, 7 p.m., at the Nantucket Atheneum Great Hall, 1 India Street. Admission is FREE.

Three AAN artist members and musicians, Robert Head, Louis Guarnaccia and Grace Mulcahy, will display and discuss their visual work and offer a twenty-minute set of music each.  Head is a long-time AAN artist member, AAN faculty member and plays guitar in a four-member band. Guarnaccia is an accomplished maritime painter, AAN artist member and instructor.  He also plays blues guitar and excels at martial arts.  Mulcahy is a senior at Nantucket High School.  She has taken classes at AAN since she was six-years old and just recently became a junior artist member in ceramics.  She plays bass guitar in a band with three of her fellow high-school friends.

“This evening will highlight visual artists who are also musicians and enable a discussion of how the music inspires their artwork and vice versa,” said AAN director of public programs Liz Hunt O’Brien. “Our mission is to foster the visual arts on the island and we are thrilled to work with the Atheneum in providing a showcase for these artists/musicians and help to bring the Nantucket community closer to the local talent around us.”

“Last year this concert brought a standing-room-only crowd and we hope lots of people will again join us to celebrate these three artists and their many talents,” said AAN executive director Cecil Barron Jensen.

This event is made possible through a generous grant from the Community Foundation for Nantucket.

Admission is free.

For further information about AAN 2014 programs and events, please visit the website or call 508-228-0722.

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