Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Nantucket Island Resorts Charity Brunch Recipients

The Nantucket Island Resorts Charity Brunch is Sunday,  April 19, 2015 at the Brant Point Grill.   All of us at The Community Foundation for Nantucket encourage you to attend.

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The event will honor two organizations that hold funds with us!

Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 1.52.05 PMFriends of Our Island Home established a charitable fund through the Community Foundation for Nantucket.

Screen Shot 2015-03-25 at 2.47.07 PMAcknowledging their two year anniversary in July, the FoOIH’s vision has always been to help reconnect Our Island Home residents with the Nantucket community and raise money with the mission of enhancing the daily lives of their residents.  Through donations of time, energy and money they support programs, education, materials, equipment and activities which would otherwise be unavailable.


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This year the Nantucket Star Program is also being invited to take part in the occasion.  They are an organization dedicated to providing activities and therapies to children with special needs. Their mission is to provide specialized, therapeutic, accessible recreation, and adaptive sports to children with a wide range of challenges and disabilities and to leave no child behind due to the degree of challenges, be it physical, mental, emotional, or neurological.  Nantucket Star has chosen to create an Organizational Fund with the Community Foundation in order to invest their Endowment/rainy day funds.

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Both organizations have been invited to be recipients at the Nantucket Resorts Charity Brunch.   There is a suggested donation of $50 which will be given to the charity of your choice. Checks for FoOIH are made payable to CFN/Friends of Our Island Home and checks to The Nantucket Star Program should be made out to STAR!  In addition to the “ticket donation,” there will be envelopes available on the individual tables to make any additional donations for either charity.

 What a way to celebrate the spring season by honoring those that work so hard to make our Island a better place for all of its community members. Thank you on behalf of the Community Foundation for Nantucket and we will see you at brunch on April 19th!

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