Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Senior Medical Travel Fund

The senior medical travel fund’s objective is to assist seniors with medical transportation expenses. This fund started with a $100,000 gift from the McCausland Foundation, and they have pledged a dollar-for-dollar match up to an additional $100,000 through November 30, 2024.

The grants will be awarded in partnership with the Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs. To apply, year-round Nantucket residents 60 years and older must complete an application through the Nantucket Center for Elder Affairs. This application must include travel expenses related to off-island medical appointments and critical travel needs including on-island taxis, Uber, and Lyft. Seniors may apply for up to $500 per person per trip for on and off-island travel reimbursement.

As the senior population continues to grow we recognize the importance of empowering seniors to access medical care that meets their unique needs. This fund replenishes the expired travel grant and works to ensure that all seniors can access the care they need.

If you would like to contribute to this fund, giving will open May 1.

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