Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Featuring the AAN’S “Healing through the Creative Process”

For the past three years, the Nantucket Fund has awarded grants to the Artists Association of Nantucket, for a program called “Healing through the Creative Process”. The classes offered through this program allow Nantucket artists to feel supported and encouraged as well as creates a space for healing. Since the first class in 2015, enrollment has exceeded expectations illustrating the fact that this collaboration between the Nantucket Fund and The Artists Association is making a difference on-island.

This fall, AAN offered “Color Healing” . This class focused on the effect that color has on the human body based upon rays of light in color and how it can help people heal mentally and physically.   Students learned that art-making can be a catalyst and support for self-discovery, stress relief, enhanced creativity, and healthy mind-body connection.  In a relaxed, non-judgmental environment students learned to invigorate healthy lifestyle choices using a variety of art materials and exercises.  In addition, Each participant was given the coloring book, “Drawing Your Stress Away,” in order to encourage creativity through personal expression.

“Studying and teaching within the “Healing through the Creative Process” continually affirms the variety of benefits that art based activities offer for discovery of personal resources and practical implementation of those resources.  I am thrilled to be sharing my positive experiences and results through teaching students ways to invigorate healthy lifestyle choices, balance, self-management and self-care,” reports Patience Killen, teacher for the fall class.

Thanks to Nantucket Fund Grants the AAN is able to reach as many diverse age groups and populations as possible.  The next class in the “Healing through the Creative Process” program is a collaboration with Fairwinds Counseling Center and is designed specifically for teens who have moved to the United States within the last five years. Using various art media students will explore identity, self-expression, and communication in a comfortable group setting with clinician and artist, Jessica Guevara, MA.

Registration must be done in person at the Visual Arts Center. Please stop by or call for more information – 508-228-0722.

“We are thrilled that a Nantucket Fund Grant has encouraged cross-collaboration between providers. The Healing through the Creative Process is a perfect example of how CFN’s Nantucket Fund brings to life the island’s interconnected, vibrant, and engaged community, helping to improve the quality of life for everyone.” Jeanne Miller, CFN Program Director.

Interested to learn how the Community Foundation is Nantucket’s social impact partner, helping ALL of Nantucket through the Nantucket Fund? From encouraging artistic expression with AAN to affordable housing solutions, visit our website here or MAKE A GIFT today!

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