Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs
Four adults using wheelchair bikes.

Nonprofit Resources

Creating a 501(c)3

The Community Foundation for Nantucket has been quite effective in helping new nonprofits get established. Once a group has decided that they are on the road to creating a separate charitable entity, they can create a fund with us to provide a charitable conduit for donations, and pay associated expenses, while they await their IRS letter of determination as a 501c3 charity.

Many groups determine that there is no need to create a new charity to fulfill their charitable intent and create a fund with the Foundation to serve that purpose. These Project Funds tend to have a specific purpose and goal, but do not require a corporate structure or staff to move forward.

Any new group of individuals who are considering a worthwhile project on the Island should contact us to see which option is a better fit – it is unlikely that there is a good idea out there that we cannot create a fund for in some way.

Knowledge is power. These useful websites provide education and information that strengthen the work of nonprofits.

Addiction Group – Alcohol and drug addiction are significant public health challenges. They affect not only the person but also their family and community. Here are a few figures to show the extent of drug and alcohol addiction in the U.S.

AssistedLivingToday – a guide for senior Veterans –

Board Source ·
Provides information and services for strengthening and mobilizing nonprofit boards.

Bridgespan ·
Helps nonprofits with strategy, networking and building strong leadership teams.

Chronicle for Philanthropy ·
A newspaper for the nonprofit sector.

Executive Service Corps of New England ·
Provides affordable management consulting for nonprofits.

Foundation Center ·
Helps nonprofits increase their sources of funding.

Guidestar ·
Search engine to locate nonprofits nationwide.

Lawyers Clearinghouse ·
The Lawyers Clearinghouse provides pro bono legal services to nonprofit organizations and groups seeking nonprofit status, as well as educational programs for nonprofit organizations and lawyers.

Massachusetts Nonprofit Network ·
A statewide network for nonprofits focused on advocacy, public awareness and capacity building. Check out their resource directory, which lists professionals and services in many different departments of nonprofit management.

Masters in Social Work Online –  A website focused on providing up-to-date social work resources for current and aspiring social workers

Nonprofit Jobs Cooperative ·
For both nonprofit employers and nonprofit job seekers.

Nonprofit Finance Fund ·
A national organization offering nonprofits financial and advisory services, loans, lines of credit, asset building programs, workshops and business analyses.

Nonprofit Net Inc. ·
A networking team that helps nonprofits fundraise, find board members, recruit volunteers and improve operations.

Philanthropy Massachusetts ·
A regional association of grantmakers that provides support, information and services to grantmakers and grant seekers. It is of special value to nonprofits engaged in corporate and foundation fundraising.

RetireGuide – a free resource dedicated to providing the most up to date information about financial decisions that affect health care and retirement.;

SCORE Northeastern Massachusetts ·
Free face-to-face business counseling services to nonprofits and small businesses. Focus on planning, management of operations, financial management, and sales and marketing.

Support Center for Nonprofit Management ·
The Support Center provides a range of services designed to increase the effectiveness of nonprofit organizations and their leaders, enabling them to better serve their communities.

Technical Development Corps ·
Offers consulting and business management skills to the nonprofit sector.

Tech Soup ·
Extremely affordable resource for nonprofits to purchase software at discounted rates.

Third Sector New England ·
Runs the Executive Transitions Program (ETP) which helps nonprofits find an interim CEO or ED while they are in between hires. Also offers a capacity building program.

TranslationServices – free translation services for nonprofits – http://TranslationServices

Veterans and Addiction – Veteran Substance Abuse – A War on Home Soil.

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