Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Featuring The Summer Boost Program


unnamed-2The Nantucket Fund™ provided a grant to the Nantucket Community School for their Summer Boost Program this year. The program prepares pre-K students for entering Nantucket’s public school system and exposes them to the skills needed to work in a classroom setting. We had the privilege to see this program in action and see the difference it makes for these children and families.

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Thirty children who will be entering this year’s kindergarten class are participating in the “Summer Boost.” These students have had limited or no exposure to previous group learning experiences. It is a three day per week program led by four wonderful staff members.  Pauline Cronin, Early Childhood Education Coordinator for the Nantucket Community School, reports,
“The Summer Boost program is a truly valued program which benefits not only the children who participate, but also their fellow classmates and teachers once they enter Kindergarten in the Fall.  We see a marked difference in both the social and academic skills of these children, even in the six weeks that the program runs over the Summer. It is wonderful to see these children flourish in the school environment as they prepare for what lies ahead.”

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To many of the children, English is a second language and they are preparing to be taught a class in English.  They will enter our school system in September comfortable leaving home, familiar with the classroom and knowing so many friends that will be in school with them.  “As a mother of Ellie, I have to say that this program helps my daughter very much! I am very pleased and happy with the Nantucket Community School and the instructors. I hope this program continues to help more kids in the future.” – Mary

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As always, we are thrilled to see the Nantucket Fund™ grant dollars being used for such meaningful and important efforts on this Island.  Interested to learn more how the Nantucket Fund™ helps ALL of Nantucket? From substance abuse to the homeless, from education to after-school care, visit our website or MAKE A GIFT today!

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