Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Featuring The Nantucket Coloring Book

13323396_1173654495998124_2262319011955821218_oNantucket just got a lot more colorful this year with “A Walk Around Nantucket,” a 52-page adult coloring book, conceived by Scott Widmeyer and Alan Yount, who have been coming to Nantucket for more than 25 years.

A portion of the sales from the coloring book are being given to the Nantucket Fund™ Nantucket’s unrestricted source for Community Grants, directing support to local nonprofits that are providing services to Nantucketers. We are so grateful that Scott and Alan are investing in the growth of this one, unique fund where donors’ pooled resources help meet multiple needs of Nantucketers…yesterday, today and tomorrow.


“Nantucket holds a special place in our heart so we wanted to dedicate proceeds from the A Walk Around Nantucket coloring book to the one charity on island that supports the many non-profits providing lifelines that make the community much stronger. The Community Foundation’s Nantucket Fund does just that!” -Scott Widmeyer and Alan Yount

The work on the Nantucket book began in earnest last fall when local artists Paul McCarthy and Jean Petty were commissioned to create the sketches for the coloring book. McCarthy and Petty are renowned on the island for their Quarterboard signs which are prominent on hundreds of Nantucket homes and buildings as well as other carvings and folk art.


Interest in adult coloring books has skyrocketed with nearly 2 million adult coloring books sold in the past year, according to BookScan. “Adult coloring books have become a popular way to relieve stress and calm down in our digital world of instant gratification. We hope that A Walk Around Nantucket will help visitors and residents alike tap into their inner artist, slow down, and see the island in a new way,” said Yount and Widmeyer.

“Our book is of, by, and for Nantucket, and we are so excited to share it with the community!” According to the two creators, the 52-page book includes 19 iconic scenes from around Nantucket (the three lighthouses, a typical Sconset cottage, the Crooked House in Madaket, the Windmill, and many others). “We envision ‘artists’ of all ages sitting down with their coloring tools and recreating vivid scenes of the many places they love on Nantucket.”

And the pièce de résistance with the Nantucket coloring book is that it will include 16 post cards with exquisite Nantucket scenes also ready for coloring. “We imagine visitors this summer being quite engaged coloring post cards and sending them off to grandma, grandpa, and friends,” the creators said.

 The coloring books are being sold in over a dozen local businesses on Island, as well as online at or

 Upcoming Coloring Book Events:

 June 18, 2016 | 10:00am-12:00pm | “Under the Tent” for the Nantucket Book Festival | Nantucket Atheneum Garden

 July 2, 2016 | 12:00pm – 2:00pm | Color Me Red, White, & Blue | Book Signing with Scott, Alan, & Paul | Nantucket Bookworks

 For a full listing of events, please visit –


Thank you again to Scott and Alan for such a generous and colorful gift to our community.

Interested to learn more how the Nantucket Fund™ helps ALL of Nantucket? From substance abuse to the homeless, from education to after-school care, MAKE A GIFT today!

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