Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Featuring NISHA’S Lucky Whiskers & Wags Program

The Nantucket Fund™ is the Community Foundation for Nantucket’s unrestricted source for Community Grants, directing support to local nonprofits that are providing services to Nantucketers. This is the one, unique fund where donors’ pooled resources help meet multiple needs of Nantucketers – and not just its people, but also its four-legged residents in need.

Screen Shot 2016-05-13 at 3.10.40 PMThe mission of Nantucket Island Safe Harbor for Animals, Inc. (NISHA) is to provide shelter and care for stray, homeless, unwanted or abandoned animals until they are adopted into responsible, lifelong homes and to promote animal welfare through humane education and advocacy. In the 2015 grant cycle, Safe Harbor’s “Lucky Whiskers & Wags” Program was awarded a grant through the Nantucket Fund™ that proved life-saving for an Island rescue pup.

Meet Edith. Nantucket mother of 2.

edith and pups

 “Edith was one of the Little Mountain Rescue dogs. She came to Nantucket from Mississippi with her puppies. From day one, she was a great mom to her pups. Many people commented upon her gentle nature with her pups and with people. Little did Edith know that those talents would come in handy when she found her forever home, for in that new home was a toddler, just at the age where trouble was around every corner,” writes Stephanie Henke, Development Coordinator for the NISHA. “Two times her family contacted NISHA to tell us that Edith had saved the baby’s life. Once when he was teetering at the top of a staircase at his grandmother’s house, Edith ran over to him and blocked his way with her body until his grandmother could grab him.

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A few weeks ago, it was the family’s turn to save Edith’s life. Edith was sent to the animal hospital in Buzzard’s Bay for emergency treatment. Exploratory surgery was crucial to find out what was happening. Unfortunately, the family was told the surgery would cost between $4-5,000. Willing to pay anything to save her life, but also concerned about their small family’s resources, they reached out to us for advice. NSHA was able to give them a grant from our Lucky Whiskers and Wags fund to help with this surgery.”

 The surgery was a success, and Edith made a full recovery! The family is overwhelmed with gratitude that LWW could help with this expensive, but life-saving, surgery.


We are overjoyed that the Nantucket Fund™ is making such a difference for our Nantucket nonprofits and the people (and animals) they help everyday!

Interested to learn more how the Nantucket Fund™ helps ALL of Nantucket? From substance abuse to the homeless, from education to stories like Edith’s,  visit our website, here or MAKE A GIFT today!

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