Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

Our Island Home Campaign Fund

The Our Island Home Campaign Fund has been established to support the construction of a new, state-of-the-art skilled nursing facility on Nantucket.

This initiative, led by Friends of Our Island Home, will secure private funding to ensure that this essential community resource remains available for generations to come. A modernized Our Island Home will provide high-quality long-term care, short-term rehabilitation, respite, and hospice services, meeting the evolving needs of island families. Once approved, the Community Foundation for Nantucket (CFN) will collect donations of support and facilitate the distribution of funds to the Town of Nantucket to help offset construction costs. To recognize exceptional generosity, naming opportunities will be available for donors who make significant contributions.

To inquire about a commitment please reference the contact Steve Williams, Operations Manager at

Commitment Form – Our Island Home

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