Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs
Life Guard chair on a beach under a vibrant night sky.

Dark Sky Community Fund

Your contribution to this fund will support the educational and charitable initiatives of Nantucket Lights, founded in 2021 to combat light pollution on Nantucket with the goals of preserving its beautiful starry nights and historic charm, minimizing harmful light trespass, protecting wildlife, and reducing energy waste.

Among other things, the money raised through this fund will be used to educate and raise awareness about light pollution, encourage compliance with Nantucket’s outdoor lighting bylaw, and help property owners comply with it by providing practical guidance, product recommendations, and financial assistance to those who need it.

These initiatives will, in turn, support efforts to have Nantucket certified as an International Dark Sky Community ( and retain that status.

Visit to learn more about Nantucket Lights.

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