Partnering with Donors and Community Leaders to Address Nantucket's Needs

New Fund – Our Island Home Campaign Fund

The Community Foundation for Nantucket, in partnership with Friends of
Our Island Home, is pleased to announce the establishment of the Our Island Home Campaign

This fund will support the construction of a new, state-of-the-art skilled nursing facility on
Nantucket. Led by Friends of Our Island Home, the initiative aims to secure private funding to
help ensure this vital community resource remains available for generations to come.
“This partnership represents a major step forward for Friends of Our Island Home as we
continue advocating for a modernized skilled nursing facility on Nantucket,” said Alison
Forsgren, Vice President of Friends of Our Island Home. “By working together, we can pursue
private donations to help reduce the financial burden on taxpayers for the construction of a new
Our Island Home.”

The new facility will provide high-quality long-term care, short-term rehabilitation, respite, and
hospice services, addressing the evolving needs of island residents. At this time, the Our Island
Home Campaign Fund is accepting commitments of support rather than direct donations.
Contributions can only be officially received pending voter approval at the Annual Town Meeting
on Saturday, May 3, 2025, and the Annual Town Election on Tuesday, May 20, 2025.
Once approved, the Community Foundation for Nantucket (CFN) will collect donations and
distribute funds to the Town of Nantucket to help offset construction costs. Naming opportunities
will be available for donors making significant contributions.
“A key part of our mission is to enhance the well-being of the Nantucket community by
supporting systems that allow residents to age with dignity and confidence in the care they
need,” said Sunny Daily, Executive Director of the Community Foundation for Nantucket. “We
are proud to support Friends of Our Island Home in this effort and deeply appreciate Kathy
Grieder and Alison Forsgren for their dedication and trust in our Foundation.”
For more information about this fund, please reference the Commitment Form for the Our
Island Home Campaign Fund on the CFN website or call (508) 825-9993.

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